Friday, July 31, 2009
And, They're Off...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A Makeover

I haven't put too much thought into decorating it. I don't want to add anything to my florist budget (and as of now, ceremony site decor is not in there) and as much as I love Mrs. Cherry Pie's DIY jar lanterns I just can't bring myself to buy one more thing (like Shepard's hooks).
Now that you've seen it, what do you recommend?
Monday, July 27, 2009
So, I'm off and running again. Luckily, Liz, my new make-up artist (who Mrs. Cookie came upon first!) is on the books. But, this coming weekend, I'll be taking a second stab at my hair. I was happy with the styles I brought along to the first trial, but since then, I've added a few more inspiration pictures to my file.
Do I go with the messy, low chignon?
Or, leave it down a curly?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
More Obsessed Than Ever

This Made Me Cry
Ashley & Jamie's Same Day Edit from Anguilla from Julie Hill on Vimeo.
I never really considered the idea of a videographer. We can't afford one. I doubt we'd watch it very much. But, now, I've decided I may need to include this detail into our day. Using Ms. Joey's advice once again, I posted on Craigslist in the Denver area looking for someone to shoot and edit a video of our wedding. What I want doesn't need to be genius, but I love how they play with speed in the video above. Quick movement of the clouds followed by slow motion images of the bride and her dress.
While surfing the black hole of wedding blogs, I saw this vintage-y gem on Once Wed.
Myriah + Christopher from joel serrato on Vimeo.
Marry the two ideas--elements of speed and super 8 film (can you put those two together?)--and we'd have a winner.
We're hoping we come across a film student with some raw talent looking to further his or her portfolio. I'll let you know if we discover something good.
Did you hire a videographer? What wedding videos were your inspiration?
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Whole Round-Up
Since they came in two parts, I've been staring at the first bunch (about 90% of the goods) for almost two weeks and trying to find ways to "play" with them. I stamped the RSVP envelopes, I numbered the RSVPs in case guests forget to write their names and I tied and re-tied the raffia once or twice. Today, I received the second part, our handkerchiefs. The portion of the invitations that will display our home-drawn map (Mr. CB's drawing, not mine. Luckily). Ready for 'em? Cuz I am.
The whole suite (including our rehearsal dinner invites, bottom right):

The invitation, itself:

The hang tag, featuring our website:

The RSVP card and its return envelope:

Our return address on the main envelope (my favorite part):

The map Mr. CB drew featured on a 14" x 14" handkerchief. Surprisingly, this adds no weight to our $1.39 postage.

The suite, once more.

Ta-da! What do you think? I love gocco! And, I love these.
BeeTV: Saturday, July 25th
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Motherload
Monday, July 20, 2009
Escorting the Escort Cards

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Good Bridesmaid!

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Stop the Presses!
This hint of beading added a silver-y tint to the overall look that I thought I could get past. You see, I'm much more into warm, golden tones, but then I started looking for jewelry and realized gold earrings just weren't going to jive. This silver hurdle was kind of throwing my whole mojo off.
Then, while flipping through my J. Crew catalog today, I stumbled across this silk sash.

And it just made sense. Look how cute you can tie it? And I only imagine it looking twenty times more gorgeous on a wedding dress than on these everyday clothes.

No, the sash from J. Crew is not as formal. And, I may not even end up liking it once it arrives in the mail. But it totally falls under soft, romantic, and feminine and fits all of the inspiration boards I've been using as guides to color and decor and feel.
And, if I decide not to use it, I can look for one I like or have one made via Etsy or just go without, which I love too.
The other upside is I can wear all the gold I want.
Need a reminder of what my dress looks like without the embellishment?

What do you think? Do you like the flower sash? The waistband embellishment? Or completely without?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Handiest Wedding Tool Yet
Instead, I heeded Mrs. Fondue's advice and created a Google document that would collect everyone's addresses for me. My little robot, if you will.
To be fair, I'm not going to list Mrs. Fondue's steps again, as she so efficiently describes them, but I will let you in on a few tweaks that helped me in the long run.

How it works: you create the document following Mrs. Fondue's steps. It sends it out to your guests inboxes. They fill it out and their responses file, automatically, into your spreadsheet.
1) Be prepared to do a little bit of hunting and gathering. In order to make this Google Doc work, you'll need all of your guests e-mail addresses. I did this by texting, e-mailing friends and family, and using Facebook. Seems like as much work as asking for mailing addresses, right? Wrong. Most likely you already have a lot of your guests' e-mail addresses and this way, you'll have a bunch of their information stored in one place. It comes in handy down the road, believe me.
2) I tried to use the questions that Mrs. Fondue used for her guests as a jumping off point (that's right, you decide what to ask them for when creating the questionnaire). Here are the questions we asked (the starred questions are the ones we required them to answer):
-Significant Other's Name (The name of your spouse or significant other; please list his or her first and last name)
-Children's Names (Names of your children who still live at your house; please list first and last names)
-*Address Line 1
-Address Line 2
-*Zip Code
-*Phone Number
-*E-mail Address (I know, we just e-mailed you! But we want to keep all of your info in one place.)
-Planning to Move? (If yes, please enter your new address and when it will be valid. Not sure when or where? We'll be sending stuff out in January and July of 2009. Let us know when to check in with you--we'll do so before mailing anything)
3) Of the above, we got all of the information we needed. Some left off their last names, listed their dogs as their children (so cute!), and wrote "LOL" after "significant other." Hey, people had fun with it! I even got a few comments about what a great idea it was to use that system.
4) While only three of our guests utilized the "Planning to Move" question, it was a huge help. Some opted to have their invitations sent to their parents' abodes while others signified to check in with them in a specific month as they didn't know where or when they'd be moving.
5) We got adorable notes in our Comments/Questions section. Things like "Crazy kids," "Awesome," and "Let's party like the Red Sox just won the SERIES." This was a playful nudge at Mr. CB who is a Yankees fan.
6) When you send your form out, you want to make sure you don't go to "Share" --> "Invite People." That will give them access to your form. Instead, head to "Form" --> "Send Form."
7) This wasn't foolproof. A few of our guests tried to enter their info numerous times to no avail. A couple weeks after I sent the form out, I e-mailed the remaining guests to find out if they'd received it. No one minded the reminder. : )
8) In the end, you get a pretty little spreadsheet like this:

I've come back to it time and time again, to e-mail guests about airfare sales I see or to ask if they've moved yet. To put together a guest list for my bridal shower--the bridesmaids appreciated not having to chase down addresses.
So, I guess my title rings true. This is the handiest wedding tool out there (that I've come across at least). Have a better one? Please share!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
What Mr. CB Taught Me
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wedding Crashers, Anyone?