Things aren't always as you predict. I'm just learning this now. I'm an optimistic person by nature so when we sent out our 64 invitations to a total of 145 people, I figured our head count numbers would settle in somewhere between 90 and 100. That's a low 62-68% of our guest list checking the "accepts with pleasure" box.

Just a reminder of where that 'lil stamped card goes
Take into account the fact that our wedding is a destination wedding for, oh, 99.9% of our guests. I have one bridesmaid and her boyfriend who live within a two-hour drive of the wedding. Everyone else is either a seven-hour drive or a two- to three-hour flight away. That makes it a trek for practically all parties involved. Then, factor in the lovely economy and it's oh-so-tough ways at the moment. Let's just say money is not a-flowing.
Our deadline for our RSVPs is September 1st. Tuesday. As of now we have 21 yes cards totaling 40 rarin'-to-go guests. Yippeeeee! What about our "no" stack? 10 cards with a total of 24 guests "declining with regrets." Of course, I also deducted "plus ones" from the "yes" stack for those who declined to indulge in such a treat. Similar to the lovely Ms. Stiletto, we gave all of our single guests the option of bringing someone and, also similar to Ms. Stiletto, many of our guests are opting out of bringing a companion.
That leaves of looking in the mailbox everyday (quite eagerly, I might add) for the additional 33 RSVP cards. Out of those 33 cards, I can safely say there will be 18 more guests to add to our head count which puts us up around 60.
Knowing that we'll most likely end up with a guest list that's lower than our initial guesstimate is okay with me. Of course I'd be happy if all 145 guest had responded with their plane's arrival time and hotel reservations--we wouldn't have invited them if we didn't want them to come--but somehow, a smaller guest list makes things feel a smidgen more manageable.
The upside--and this is going to sound odd--is that we have a food-and-beverage minimum. And, if we don't think we'll hit that minimum, we might be able to bring that margarita back into the picture.
[NOTE TO GUESTS: You are more important than the margarita. Please check yes and hand that card to your postman. Tomorrow.]
Did your guest list turn out like you planned? What percentage of your guests are you expecting?
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