Thursday, November 5, 2009

Love at The Ranch: The Day Before

I can't recommend this enough: in the days leading up to your wedding, do yoga. Whether it's by yourself or at a class, it will allow you to give yourself to the moment which is all you can ask for at wedding time, to be present.

Devil's Thumb Ranch
Photo by our friend, Amanda Wilson

This is exactly what I did on Saturday morning, the day before the wedding. Lucky for us, Devil's Thumb Ranch has complimentary yoga classes in a window-filled room that overlooks the mountains. Bridesmaid AC and I indulged in this luxury and it was the best way to sink into the weekend with a calm, relaxed mindset.

The view with Winter Park Ski Resort in the background

After our 9 am yoga class ended, it was time to meet friends and family for a group hike around the Ranch's 5,000 acre-property. I had listed this event on our notes in our out-of-town bags as open to everyone but found that it appealed to our younger guests.

Friends from Jackson, Wyoming, with their dog Santos

From top left, clockwise: Three half-brothers-in-law, Brother CB, Brother CB's fiance, me, Bridesmaid AC's sister, Bridesmaid AC, friends from Wyoming

The day was beautiful. It was so beautiful, I wanted to take off my jacket but I was nervous about v-neck tan lines. As we hiked, we came across other wedding friends out for a horseback ride.

From left: Mama CB, SIL CB, and Papa CB

My dad was put on a mule! Ha.

Junior Bridesmaid Yahna

Brother and Sister CB

The day was so gorgeous, we had lunch out on the patio of Heck's Tavern at Devil's Thumb Ranch after the hike.

Heck's Tavern patio

As we ate, our flower girl collected rocks in her dress.

Flower Girl Alma

After lunch, I thought I'd have a little time to relax. Mr CB was recovering from his bachelor party in our cabin. But, I had to be at the cabin next door for the only rehearsal we'd have all weekend: a quick music rehearsal with my aunt and grandmother and to practice a few things with our officiant, my uncle, before the ceremony.

I rushed a pulled pork sandwich to Mr. CB (get that boy some grease!) and went to the music rehearsal. I think I cried more during the rehearsal than at the actual ceremony--it was just so sweet to hear my grandmother and aunt practice what they were going to sing for us at our ceremony. My aunt gave a quick "Yes!!!" for making me cry before handing me a tissue.

About an hour after the music rehearsal, my dad and grandfather stopped by our cabin where Mr. CB and I were relaxing. My dad wanted to go over a few dance moves with me for our father-daughter dance. We sat on a bench overlooking the ranch, watching another wedding ceremony take place at their outdoor site.

My dad started to cry. It was maybe my favorite moment from the whole weekend.

How did we get here?

First, Mr. CB and I road-tripped it to Boulder, CO.
Then, I spent a peaceful morning with my bridesmaids and maids-of-honor.
Followed by a rowdy bachelorette party that night.
The next morning, two days before the wedding, we fought.
Then, we made up.

Did you kick off your wedding weekend with any fun events?

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