After dinner (which was a scrumptious barbecue feast), the toasts began. We hadn't made a timeline for all of this but our day-of-coordinator was on top of her game and made sure things flowed smoothly. Everyone faced the front as my dad took the microphone.

I was really nervous for my dad because he has faced serious shyness his entire life but he did beautifully.

He read a story he entitled "Butterflies" about the first time he met Mr. Cowboy Boot.

My dad is an amazing writer and as I listened to him read, I recognized where it is I get my love for writing--and the reason I went into the career field in the first place.

After my dad, Mr. CB's best man, Jeremy got up there.

He mentioned that he hadn't prepared anything and then dove into a story about the first time he met me. We were in Upstate New York and one of their friends had invited me to take a ride on his four-wheeler. Jeremy thought I'd be too much of a priss (I was from LA and had never been on such a vehicle) but I hopped on. That was when he gave his approval of me to Mr. CB.

My maids-of-honor, the girls I've been friends with the longest, got up there and sang their praises of our relationship.

It was so sweet.

Finally, my brother stood up and said a little something. My brother reminds me of Jim from The Office, so sweet and sincere and funny. And just the best guy ever.

I was not expecting him to do that but was thrilled he did.

And then it was our turn.

We got up there and thanked everyone for coming. And then, we made the announcement: We'd now be serving dessert. Our pie bar!
But first, we had to exchange bites.

I think we had some trouble cutting it because something was really funny.

Finally, we got it right, though.

And then we kissed (with cherry pie in our mouths!).

How did we get here?
Mr. CB and I road-tripped it to Colorado.
I spent a peaceful morning with my girls.
Followed by a rowdy bachelorette party.
Two days before the wedding, we fought.
Then, we made up.
Followed by a rowdy bachelorette party.
Two days before the wedding, we fought.
Then, we made up.
On Saturday, Mr. CB recuperated while I hiked with friends.
We celebrated our rehearsal dinner.
Sunday Morning: The girls got ready.
And the guys got ready.
Mr. CB and I had our First Look.
Our wedding party braved the cold for photos.
We all lined up for the ceremony.
The wedding party walked (and performed hand shakes).
Papa CB walked Ms (soon to be Mrs.) CB down the aisle.
Our ceremony began with a song from Grandma Cowboy Boot.
And ended with a kiss.
We hugged and took some family portraits.
Then our guests to to see The Details.
I broke down our centerpiece budget.
Then showed you our photo booth!
**All images above by the ridiculously talented and awesome Tec Petaja, unless otherwise noted. Head to his blog for some serious eye candy.**
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