When Mr. CB has input on something, I try my very best to listen and accommodate. Most everything in the wedding has been my decision (not because I'm selfish but because Mr. CB doesn't care about ranunculus and flower girl dresses) so when he does care about something, I want to make it happen.
From the version you saw, we played with fonts and here's what we finally came up with. We changed the color of our names and made the final line, "BBQ, Beer, and Bluegrass To Follow" bolder and matching the stencil-y font of the "and" that sits between our names. I think the bolder font brings out the bird's wings.

But don't fear. The barn lives on. We decided it would make quite the RSVP card. Check out the evolution below.
It started out vertical but I immediately said it should be panoramic. It seems like the intuitive layout--to lay it horizontally.

Next up, Sarah made the "RSVP" more readable with this adorable font and added the word "Name(s)" before the long line so people could tell us who is RSVPing. We decided to add a little "Leave Us A Note" towards the bottom of the card. I've heard from so many Bees that it's sad when you receive a "no" with no reason. I don't expect people to tell us why they can't come but it would be nice to hear from them either way.

Since our rehearsal dinner invitations are going to be included in our invitation suite, we needed to add a line to several RSVP cards to find out if people can make it to this event too. See the two options below and tell me where you like the Rehearsal Dinner RSVP line.

Should it be below "Number Attending" or next to "Number Attending"?
Next up: Our hang tags and address fonts.
Did you send out a separate RSVP note for your rehearsal dinner or did you include it on your wedding RSVP?
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