On Saturday, my two MOHs threw me a beautiful bridal shower. Almost twenty of my closest female friends and family were there and it was so amazing to have them all in one place at one time. I couldn't help but get excited about what the wedding will be like! But, more on the shower later. For now, let's focus how to appreciate your shower hostesses. Here's a sneak peek of me and my two MOHs from the shower:

MOH A, Me, And MOH J
Before they came over, I had two gift bags all ready for them. Someone had mentioned giving them shower products would be a cute way to return the favor and I agreed so I put together a few products I found and loved. Here's what was included in each:
A packet of Bluebird Bath Products Salts ($7) each. The packets each have a cute quote on them. On the "Living Large Oatmeal Milk & Honey" salt package it read: Here's to great friends, howling, laughing, tremendous memories, divine food, & stylish clothes. That's as large as it gets!
The other one, "Hey Girlfriend Cool Coconut" bath salts read: Mixing lots of vodka & lipstick? Not a good look. Mixing lots of vodka and best friends? A great look! When you finally pull out of it, fill your tub with warm water, add these salts, rest up and try to reclaim your dignity (good luck with that)!

The girls also received a bar of Pre de Provence soap ($5) in sage or mint leaf.

And, finally, they got a tub of Mediterranean Spa Body Butter ($12) in either Olio di Oliva (olive oil) or Olio di Basilico (basil oil).

I wasn't sure when to present the gifts to the girls until I came across a posting online that mentioned giving it to them just before opening your gifts and making a little toast to them for putting the shower on as well as thanking everyone for coming. I liked this idea and went with it.
The Girls Opening their Gifts
I failed to do one thing: Contact my MOHs beforehand to see if anyone else was going to help out with the shower. You see, another friend of ours was there bright and early with them to help set up. I felt bad that I didn't have anything for her as she did nearly as much as they did. I thanked her profusely as she was leaving for all of her help. She brushed it off saying, "Oh, I love doing stuff like this!" Nonetheless, I felt bad.
Soon after they left, I sat down at my computer and had a gift bag of goodies sent to her from The Body Shop. They make it easy with a link that sends you directly to gift sets. And, for $3.50, they'll gift wrap it and attach a little card. I wrote a note: "Sorry for the belated gift but thank you for your help--the shower was wonderful!" Here's what I got her:

Moringa Magic Gift Set with shower gel, body butter, body scrub, and loofa
And here are the true shower hostesses:
Me with My Girls
What did you do for your shower hostesses to show your appreciation? Did you have any unexpected hosts and how did you handle it?
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